The principle of operation of this machine and the rich set of tools enables faster machining, respectively, which makes the service more cost-effective.
The machine has a flat head with a tool running on a moving bench.
Operating range (maximum work piece) – 1250 x 3000 mm.
Maximum thickness – 6 mm.
The machine has two working axes (2D) and worked on a “flying head”. This means that the laser head is moving and the work piece (sheet) is fixed on a stationary bench, which contributes to achieve fast and accurate processing.
Operating range (size piece) – 1500 x 3000 mm and
Cutting of ferrous metals:
– up to 20 mm
Cutting of stainless steel:
– 12 mm with nitrogen / received is “white” cut in the cutting of detail is not necessary post-processing of parts /
Cutting aluminum:
-up to 8 mm